[ExI] Abandon all services

Stefano Vaj stefano.vaj at gmail.com
Thu Nov 29 13:34:19 UTC 2007

On Nov 29, 2007 2:10 AM, Amara Graps <amara at amara.com> wrote:
> --------------------
> ENEL: We just received your fax and racommandata and we cannot stop  your  electricity.
> ME: You must. I will no longer be in Italy after November 16. Please
> send to me at my EU address the last fattura (bill).
> -----------------------

May I suggest an alternative scenario:
- ENEL: We just received your fax and racommandata and we cannot stop
your  electricity.
- AMARA: Be my guest to provide electricity for free to whomever you
like. After the date indicated, I shall not be there anymore, I shall
not make any more use of it, I shall not paying a dime for the
electricity that will be erogated there. I just thought it fair from
my side to inform you.
- ENEL: But we want you to pay for it
- AMARA: So sue me in Latvia, once you have found the country on the map.

Stefano Vaj

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