[ExI] Nuanced discussions [WAS Re: EP and Peak oil.]

Richard Loosemore rpwl at lightlink.com
Wed Apr 2 13:22:43 UTC 2008

John K Clark wrote:
> "Richard Loosemore" <rpwl at lightlink.com>
>> If you see, in this pattern, the pernicious influence of the green lobby,
>> then what you are seeing, I suggest, is only the blood-stained
>> back of a whipping boy.
> Bullshit, the green lobby has caused a lot of evil in the world.

Hi John.

I love this transhumanism list.  Well informed.  Full of rational, 
reasoned argument.  Plenty of people who understand the complexities of 
the world enough to know that cause and effect are often linked in 
subtle ways that can only be understood by careful thought.

These are truly the people of the future, no?

Richard Loosemore

> They weep
> about global warming but when somebody tries to build a nuclear power
> plant that produces no green house gasses they oppose it. When somebody
> tries to build a hydroelectric plant that produces no green house gasses
> they say it will flood archeological sites and oppose it. When somebody
> tries to build a wind farm that produces no green house gasses they say 
> it's ugly and the blades might kill birds and they oppose it.
> Right now thousands of tons of highly radioactive spent nuclear fuel rods
> loaded with Plutonium are stored in hundreds of different poorly secured
> makeshift locations scattered across the country. Why should that be when
> there is the highly guarded state of the art Yucca Mountain repository for
> nuclear waste in Nevada that is empty and designed specifically to store
> those rods securely? I will tell you why it is not used, it is because the
> green lobby lawyers pulled every trick in the book to prevent Yucca
> Mountain from storing anything.
> For example, they convinced a Federal court it was illegal to ship rods
> there because the guarantee that no radiation would leak for 10,000 years
> was too short; the court found credible evidence that in 270,000 years the
> radiation just outside the fence would be 60 times higher than background.
> Imagine if someone in the Paleolithic had told our Cro-Magnon semi human
> ancestors 270,000 years ago during the Ice Age that they couldn't use that
> new fangled thing called fire until they solved the problem of global
> warming produced by greenhouse gasses and found a good substitute for
> the finite supply of oil.
> Yucca Mountain would provide excellent safety, but not perfect safety and
> for them only perfection will do; so we end up with crappy safety. If
> terrorists even get their hands on one of those rods we can thank those
> saintly ever so noble environmentalists in their hybrid cars for it.
>  John K Clark
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