[ExI] "general repudiation of Transhumanism"
Damien Broderick
thespike at satx.rr.com
Sat Apr 26 18:43:42 UTC 2008
At 09:00 AM 4/26/2008 -0700, John Grigg wrote:
> >Did he declare his own religious affiliations, if any?
>Actually, yes. He said he is a secular humanist/atheist.
Interesting, thanks.
>Damien, you seem to have the wrong idea about this lecture/symposium
>series. The Templeton Foundation is avowedly religious, but their
>funds went toward secular academics gathering together and having a
>largely secular discussion about Transhumanism.
Why would they do that, do you suppose? Does the Randi Foundation
spend millions of dollars funding Episcopalian prelates to debate the
virtues of FLDS polygamy, or of Scientology processing?
>And so your diatribe against religion was not necessary. : )
A "diatribe" is defined as either "a bitter and abusive speech or
writing" or "ironic or satirical criticism." What I wrote about the
way so-called "people of faith" often ridicule science or secular
humanist ideas as "religious" was neither; it was just an
observation. If simply listing the kinds of claims made by
"believers" is held to constitute bitter abuse, something interesting
about such claims is being revealed. If it's said to be ironic or
satirical, then sure, I'll cop to that, if pressed--but note that
"satire" requires some element of preposterous exaggeration, which is
exactly what I *didn't* need. If people cling solemnly to laughable
nonsense as their deepest truth, they can't angrily complain that
they're being mocked just because this nonsense is reported in public
(which is just what Scientologists do when Xenu is mentioned).
Serafino: many pagan religious (and even political) figures were
either virgin births or fathered by a god, including (after a quick
dip into the web) Mithras, Danae, Melanippe, Auge, Antiope, Herakles,
Pythagoras, Apollonius of Tyana, Plato, Augustus Caesar, Alexander
the Great, Theagenes the Olympic Champion. Mithras also rose from the dead.
Damien Broderick
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