[ExI] Non-Profit

Natasha Vita-More natasha at natasha.cc
Sat Aug 16 15:45:05 UTC 2008

Does anyone have a non-profit organization to sponsor me in applying for a
small grant?  


The grant would be for a few thousand dollars which would pay a programmer
for designing a hypermediated mindmap ("map").  The context of the map would
be a multi-media piece. The map would contain a basic mind map (software at
no-cost) and a stylish interface design for including small bits of video
and audio.  End product is CD or DVD.


The map's content is about what I call the "transitional human."  The foci
of experience of the map will be to feature traces and connections between
the transitional human over a 40 year time frame of artistic uses of
technology in augmenting human body/brain -- through immersive, interactive
design (including robotics, soft AI, etc.), video (back to Nam June Paik and
even Duchamp to Stelarc) into biotechnological design (including Kac,
Vita-More, cryonics, etc.) -- toward the convergence of NBIC.  


The purpose is to develop a media piece which will be used as a research
device and a knowledge base in building a field for the "transitional


**Please email me privately, off-list.  


I look forward to hearing form you,


Thank you,



Natasha Vita-More <http://www.natasha.cc> 

BFA, MS, MPhil, PhD Candidate, Planetary Collegium

Faculty of Technology, School of Computers, Communication and Electronics

University of Plymouth, UK


Arts and Design - <http://www.transhumanist.biz>  NBIC+ Convergence

H+ Europe <http://www.transhumanism.eu> 



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