[ExI] Whimsy or error?

Lee Corbin lcorbin at rawbw.com
Wed Aug 27 05:07:24 UTC 2008

Stefano writes

> It sounds very strange to us also the fact that in English
> you can use "they" as a pronoun,

Really!  That's amazing. (Shows how much I know of
other languages.)

> or a verb in a plural form, for something grammatically
> singular such as "the police".

Oh, never mind that. It's only the perfidious Albion and their
offspring who's into that  :-)     [1]

Here in good old America we know that the government
*is* corrupt, the left *is* loony, and that taxes *is* a
horrible thing to have to cough up, and we ought to
have fewer of them, not less of them.

> Grammatical number invariably trumps on real one.

Sounds good to me!


[1] For the sake of the non-English speaking readers,
that last phrase which included "taxes is" was just a
joke. Likewise the mistakes on Albion ("their") and
"who's into that" are ungrammatical---though I do confess
that it would sound a bit odd to say "the perfidious
Albion and its or her offspring". Argk.

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