[ExI] QT and SR
Stathis Papaioannou
stathisp at gmail.com
Thu Aug 28 12:58:59 UTC 2008
2008/8/28 John K Clark <jonkc at bellsouth.net>:
> No, that doesn't capture quantum weirdness but I'll tell you what
> would. Suppose there were 4 different types of marbles not 2,
> they could be red or blue and heavy or light. In secret and at
> random 2 are chosen and mailed in opposite directions a long
> way apart. You can X ray your package to learn if it is red or
> blue or you can weigh it to learn if it is heavy or light, but can't
> do both . If you decide to X ray it and find it is blue then the
> other package will ALWAYS contain a red marble, sometimes it
> will be heavy and sometimes it will be light but it will always be red.
> If however you decided to weigh your package and found it to
> be light then the other marble in the other package will always be
> heavy, sometimes it will be red and sometimes blue but it will
> ALWAYS be heavy. I find that weird.
The weird thing in your example is that you don't make the choice to
weigh or X-ray until the marbles are already separated, so how could
the other marble possibly know what you've decided and instantaneously
give the matching result? But in the MWI, there is no secret, random
choice for the multiverse as a whole. One version of you will always
X-ray and another version of you will always weigh, and the
conservation law dictates that the distant co-experimenter's result
will always match yours.
Stathis Papaioannou
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