[ExI] Impending Newtonmass... what should I buy theatheistinmylife?

spike spike66 at att.net
Sun Dec 21 15:44:21 UTC 2008

On Behalf Of Olga Bourlin

>>... I shoulda been a writer for Saturday Night Live... spike
	>Yes, you would definitely be able to liven things up for even that
jaded crowd! (Although, you know, in these difficult economic times the SNL
people have simply resorted to stealing stuff ... observe how much interview
footage they've managed to lift almost verbatim from Sarah Palin's
interviews earlier this year ... ;)...Olga

Tina Fay did such a perfect spot-on Sarah Palin that I still cannot picture
Palin's face without it being replaced by Fay's.  A TV news quiz that showed
that the great majority of the voting public believes that Palin commented
"I can see Russia from my house," which was actually a SNL parody by Fay.

While looking on YouTube for a Crazy Guggenheim clip I realized the Jackie
Gleason show may have been an early example of political correctness from
the 1950s.  I don't know the chronology of the skits for they were already
in reruns by the time I saw them for the first time in the 60s, so I may be
wrong on this.  Gleason as Joe the Bartender would do a monologue with some
deep philosophical question, then ask Crazy Guggenheim's opinion, who would
offer some wacky take with the googly eyes and cross bite (very visual


In the clip I saw yesterday I think it must have been an early one before
Fontaine's character developed the ye ye ye laugh.  The other thing I
noticed is that Joe called Crazy in from offstage, so it is unclear if Crazy
is drunk or retarded.  I can imagine the more sensitive crowd in those days
objecting they were making fun of the mentally disabled, so they afterwards
had Crazy at the bar drinking while Joe set up the gag.  That way they would
be making fun of drunks, which would be OK even today.

If you can find a clip of Carzy Guggenheim singing, that will be a treat.
Fontaine could really sing.


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