[ExI] Quantum Obama

Damien Broderick thespike at satx.rr.com
Sun Dec 28 22:13:45 UTC 2008

from Scott Aaronson's Shtetl-Optimized blog:

December 26th, 2008

1. The CRA’s <http://www.cra.org/ccc/>Computing 
Community Consortium, chaired by national 
treasure <http://lazowska.cs.washington.edu/>Ed 
Lasowska of the University of Washington, 
recently put up a website with 
<http://www.cra.org/ccc/initiatives>fifteen brief 
essays about “Computing Research Initiatives for 
the 21st Century.”  These essays will apparently 
be reviewed by the science policy staff at the 
Obama transition office.  Dave Bacon and I wrote 
on quantum computing­or rather, Dave wrote it 
with his inimitable enthusiasm, and then I tried 
in vain to moderate it slightly.  (When Dave told 
me that President-elect Obama needed my help with 
quantum computing policy, what was I going to 
say?  “Sorry, I’m doing my laundry this weekend”?)

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