[ExI] Impressive book: Farewell to Alms

spike spike66 at att.net
Sun Feb 3 18:23:20 UTC 2008

> Lee Corbin
> ...
> Consider how incredibly hard many Mexicans work in the U.S. 
> who come from very poor towns and villages across the border. 
> I've heard it said that these very same people, when 
> returning to Mexico, completely drop the work habits they 
> evinced in the north, and go back to two siestas a day and 
> other generally unproductive habits... Lee

Lee I stand in awe of how hard the Mexicans work.  This is an artifact
caused by the tax structure.  Labor is taxed heavily in Mexico, whereas
illegal Mexicans in the US pay no tax at all.  Under those conditions anyone
would work their asses off abroad, then go home for a nice siesta.


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