[ExI] reprehensible prejudice by turkmenistan president

Damien Broderick thespike at satx.rr.com
Sat Feb 23 00:50:12 UTC 2008

At 04:26 PM 2/22/2008 -0800, Spike fwd'd:


<"Our flourishing nation should not stand separate from the world," 
Berdymukhamedov told state-run television. He added: "It absolutely 
should have a worthy operatic theatre and a worthy state theatre." 
The first opera would be performed in six or seven months, he suggested. >

Let's hope it's not an opera of Kafka's "Metamorphosis"... perhaps by 
Steve Berkoff:


<Actor Steven Berkoff created the king of all Kafka stage adaptations 
with his hyperphysical Metamorphosis, first performed at The Round 
House in London, 1969. A fervent adaptor of Kafka, Berkoff has 
performed intensely choreographed interpretations of nearly all 
Kafka's major works. Yet it is his Metamorphosis that has echoed 
through the world's theaters, with major interpretations by actors as 
diverse as Tim Roth, Roman Polanski, and Mikhail Baryshnikov. In 
Kafka's best known tale of human alienation, Gregor Samsa awakens one 
morning to discover that he's turning into a giant beetle. Berkoff's 
classic adaptation trades a costume for an energetic physicalization 
of the man-turning-bug, and requires the performer to scamper up and 
across a metal gymnasium frame to achieve the effect of Samsa gazing 
down from the ceiling at his dismayed family.>

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