[ExI] LA Times: Rehabbing militants in Saudi Arabia (Meta)
Dagon Gmail
dagonweb at gmail.com
Thu Jan 3 15:26:11 UTC 2008
> If you really want to solve such problems, you need to deal
> with a really hard issue: how to liberate the women in Islamic
> culture. Any ideas?
Provide women in (all) islamic countries with equal and fair
micro credits to create independent businesses. Microcredits
are one of the most successful tools to generate family income
in africa and work wonders in liberating women from oppression.
I am sure state officials will do their utmost best to resist such
interventions (especially in wahabism-INFECTED countries)
but once government see a source of tax revenues they'll turn
around. I am pretty sure that if the US, [intensely political
sneer deleted], invested 1% of what they wasted in the Iraq
occupation since 1990, the islamic countries would have been
substantially more democratic by now. There may even would
have been no need for a "Middle east resource consolidating
However I also believe the US does NOT desire empowered
and rich consumers in poor countries - it would drive up
commodity prices and wages in third-world countries and that
would reduce US prosperity. The US depends on widespread
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