[ExI] election stuff

Mirco Romanato painlord2k at yahoo.it
Sat Jan 12 16:13:43 UTC 2008

J. Andrew Rogers ha scritto:
> On Jan 10, 2008, at 10:44 PM, spike wrote:
>> We just saw a thousand Kenyans slain over a questionable election.
>> We can see how an election could be easily designed to be private,  
>> fair and
>> verifiable, yet no democracy that I know of has made any effort to  
>> do it.
>> Am I the only one who sees a huge threat here?
> I love this new concept of elections.  Everyone votes and then all the  
> candidates declare themselves the winner!  Brilliant. Think of all the  
> self-esteem we could cultivate.

Until the 1990's the political leaders in Italy did this.
With a proportional distribution of the seats (in Parliament, on locals, 
EuroParliament) they were able to opine that they "win" or "not lose" 
compared to the precedent elections as the differences were very small 
(few percent at most, usually fractions of percent.


[Intangible capital is] the preponderant form of wealth.
When we look at the shares of intangible capital across income classes, 
you see it goes from about 60 percent in low-income countries to 80 
percent in high-income countries.
That accords very much with the notion that what really makes countries 
wealthy is not the bits and pieces, it's the brainpower, and the 
institutions that harness that brainpower.
It's the skills more than the rocks and minerals.
—Kirk Hamilton
Chiacchiera con i tuoi amici in tempo reale! 

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