[ExI] elections again

PJ Manney pjmanney at gmail.com
Mon Jan 14 17:15:26 UTC 2008

On Jan 13, 2008 10:04 PM, spike <spike66 at att.net> wrote:
> http://neggie.net/vote2008/nh_primary.cgi?min_votes=300&max_votes=900
> Does this look strange to anyone else besides me?  The handcount ballots
> would have given the NH primary to Senator Obama.  But the unverifiable
> machine ballots give it to Senator Clinton.  New Hampshire's motto might
> need to be changed to "Live Free or Diebold."

Hey, I'm already an anti-electronic voting convert, but this story
should be HUGE if it's true, the lead story in every outlet in the
country.  Where is it?  I don't even see it in the alternative press.
How did the recount happen if Kucinich publicly asked for it, but now
no one is paying attention to the results?  Are we sure this is an
official recount/analysis?  Who is Neggie and why should we care?  Too
many questions, not enough answers...


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