[ExI] A Simulation Argument
Kevin Freels
kevin at kevinfreels.com
Tue Jan 22 06:40:29 UTC 2008
You had way too much fun writing this.
Damien Broderick wrote:
> At 08:12 AM 1/17/2008 -0800, Ian wrote:
>> Let's look at a real tower-of-turtles problem. If I
>> posit (the 'God' theory) that 'Something created
>> everything that exists, and x created the universe',
>> I've paradoxically placed x (at the level above) in
>> the set of things necessarily created calling for
>> something at a still higher level to have created x.
>> 'So then who created God?' Now that's a genuine
>> tower-of-turtles problem
> No it's not. In the usual metaphysical analysis, the question and
> answer go like this: We can see that everything in the world is
> transient, contingent, causally dependant on prior states that were
> or are themselves transient, contingent, causally dependant on prior
> states. This can't be tracked back to infinity, because things are
> running down. Some other class of explanation for a universe of
> contingent existents is needed--and that suggests a realm of Being
> that is categorically *unlike* the world we see and subsist in. That
> Being must be necessary of itself.
> The subsequent steps that attribute purpose, timelessness, ubiquity,
> information processing, personhood, love, etc, to this disjunct state
> of being can easily be questioned (especially if those attributions
> appear to derive from states of being that are temporally sequential,
> spatially partitioned, etc). But it's simply missing the point to
> ask: Well, then, nyah nyah, *what created the uncreated*?
> The way to get rid of an ontically necessary deity is to show how the
> universe, surprisingly, *does at its root embody these
> characteristics* and can be at once self-subsistent, entropic and
> evolving. The temptation in trying to meet this challenge is exactly
> to posit one kind of contingent turtle tower or another.
> Damien Broderick
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