[ExI] John C. Wright Interview
Randall Randall
randall at randallsquared.com
Sat Jan 26 21:22:08 UTC 2008
On Jan 26, 2008, at 2:10 PM, Lee Corbin wrote:
> Randall writes
>> On Jan 25, 2008, at 7:31 PM, Damien Broderick wrote:
>>> At 04:12 PM 1/25/2008 -0800, Lee quoted Wright:
>>>> It ["Ulysses"] has the same relationship to a real novel as a
>>>> Rorschach blot has to a real painting. As in a Rorschach
>>>> blot, any meaning, including parallels to the Odyssey, can
>>>> be invented freely by critics and students of literature and
>>>> shoehorned to fit.
>>> Does this look like gibberish to anyone except a Philistine?
>> It's so *obviously* gibberish that I'm not sure if you're
>> joking (because of the way you put it, here). I get waves
>> of spam that looks like that.
> I empathize. The bottom line, as always, is: there is no
> accounting for taste.
> But your phrase, "*obviously* gibberish", has to be too strong,
> since clearly upon study you'd find some intricate patterns, and
> probably some impressive renderings of the human condition.
> (I would suspect that you might consider that you have better
> things to do with your time---as I certainly do.) Besides, we
> are told that some parts have a lot more appeal than others.
Yes, we are told that. I haven't read any Joyce, so I have no
opinion on any of his stuff not pasted here.
I do want to clarify that when I said it was obviously gibberish,
I both understood that it might not be to others, *and* meant it
in the most basic sense of "obvious". Looking at the text Damien
sent, I literally could not tell whether he was joking about it
being Joyce -- it seemed equally probable that he was having one
on, expecting everyone who'd actually read Joyce to get that
this wasn't his, as that it was actually something Joyce had
If I had come across this without provenance, I would only have
skimmed it before deciding that there was no meaning in it. I
really do receive spam which looks remarkably like that, broken
stream-of-consciousness, lack of punctuation, and all. Perhaps
those spams are copypasta from Joyce, for all I know.
As for what I'd discover upon study, I'm not sure if what I'd
discover is there in the text, or if the text is incidental as
Mr. Wright suggested.
Randall Randall <randall at randallsquared.com>
"If I can do it in Alabama, then I'm fairly certain you
can get away with it anywhere." -- Dresden Codak
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