[ExI] chess boxing again

spike spike66 at att.net
Sun Jul 13 20:05:57 UTC 2008

Check this from the Time magazine that just came out.
I have been watching this new biathlon sport emerge in Europe, and had an
idea to make it appeal more to those less experienced in recreational
pugilism: make the gloves heavier.  Contrary to intuition, heavier gloves
make it less likely that your opponent will ring your bell.  
Since force is mass times acceleration, then more mass is less acceleration
and hence less velocity, so the momentum transfer from her glove to your
head may be about the same with the heavier gloves but the kinetic energy of
the mind numbing impact is lowered.  This is why retired heavyweights do
things like name all five of their children George, whereas we lightweights
never get drain brammage, from playing that sport which is called, emmm, you
know that game where you put those thingies on your hands and you, errr,
what was I talking about? 
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