[ExI] upon pondering your next million years
spike66 at att.net
Mon Jul 14 06:00:35 UTC 2008
> ...On Behalf Of Damien Broderick
> Cc: Robert Bradbury
> Subject: Re: [ExI] upon pondering your next million years
> At 09:46 PM 7/13/2008 -0700, Spike wrote:
> >The Matrioshka terminology suggests solid shells within shells...
> But you've left out the notion of consecutive optimized
> swarms *sucking up what's being radiated outward, the
> left-over solar goodness emitted in degraded form from the
> next shell/swarm inward, and so on until beyond, say,
> Neptunian orbital radius they're down to shooing away dregs
> hardly above 3deg K... Damien Broderick
Ja, but I disagree with that aspect of the design, so the omission was
intentional. Perhaps I should not presume to use the name M-Brain, since
Robert's concept is optimized to use nearly all the energy emitted by the
star. I have a notion that the lower energy photons are not worth
capturing, since it would require more photon collection surface for less
energy collection, and thus would not be worth doing. So my concept is less
optimized. It bites off only the lower entropy photons, and lets the higher
entropy photons go free. Only the stars with lots of metals would attempt
to capture all the photons above 3K, and there may be no such stars.
In my version of an M-Brain the star would still emit a faint glow in the
higher frequencies normally associated with stars, along with a more diffuse
emission in the longer wavelengths. It would be recongizable as an
artifact, altho it might not be obvious what it is to a pre-M-Brain lifeform
observing from another star.
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