[ExI] Subject: Longevity Dividend Course OP-ED Assignment 05
benboc at lineone.net
Sat Jun 7 21:19:57 UTC 2008
Morris Johnson said:
> All these wanna-be vibrant boomers are expected to avoid boredom by
> back to school and getting second and third careers, all the while
> collecting pensions. In the next part we will question if these
> expectations are going to meet with a speedbump or two.
Ha ha. If i didn't have such a good sense of humour, i'd be insulted.
One thing to say about this: What the hell?
Never mind "'wannabe", I AM a 'vibrant boomer' myself (I'm sure i'm not
the only one either), and boredom is /never/ a problem for me. There is
one thing, and one thing only, holding me back - the degenerative
effects of ageing. My eyes aren't what they used to be, i get tired a
bit sooner than i used to, and can't quite hack staying up until 3 a.m.
as easily as i used to (though i still try! lol). Bring on those
Going back to school? Well, i never left, really. Learning new stuff has
always been a part of my life, and i expect that 's the case for most
ppl here.
As for collecting a pension, i hope i never have to, and that's never
been part of my plan. i want to be a serial careerist. The hell with golf!
I simply don't understand the people who say "woudn't you get bored if
you lived more than 100 yrs?"
I consider myself a mere baby in the 2nd half of my 1st century..
ben zaboc
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