[ExI] MAX MORE in Second Life yesterday
hkhenson at rogers.com
Mon Jun 9 22:21:52 UTC 2008
At 06:58 AM 6/9/2008, you wrote:
>Max said two things which I think need to be developed because they are
>edgy, provoking and will get some attention:
>1. That he does not support the notion of the Singularity as being a single
>"event", but a series of bursts. This would be a marvelous talk in SL.
>Title could be "Max More speaks out against the Singularity" or something
>like "Singularity? Not."
Sorry Natasha, this "distinction" isn't one at all. It makes no
difference if the events making up what is called the singularity
take place over hours, days or years. The end result is still the
same, humans as they are known today are no longer significant in
shaping the world
To some extent that's already true. Unaugmented humans have not been
able to design integrated circuit chips for 3 decades now.
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