[ExI] Electronic Circuit Question (Emitter Follower)

spike spike66 at att.net
Sun Mar 2 06:37:50 UTC 2008

> Jef Allbright
> >  If not, there's piclist.
> I saw the question as directly relevant to the typical 
> disconnect ... But as a question of 
> basic transistor circuit theory I fail to see its relevance 
> to this list.
> - Jef

Do you guys remember the Muppet Show?  Whenever needed, someone would call
out for the Royal Smart Person.  We are among friends here.  It is
considered legitimate use the ExI-chat list as one's personal collection of
RSPs, so long as the privege is not abused and people don't get too bored.
Technical discussions can always be taken offlist.  

I found Lee's transistor question interesting, altho I struggled in
electronics theory class myself and didn't have the answer.  Thanks Jef for
serving as the local electronics RSP. 



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