[ExI] Neo-fascist transhumanists? WAS: Manifesto of Italian transhumanists

estropico estropico at gmail.com
Sun Mar 2 09:40:18 UTC 2008

Another few clarifications seem to be necessary to clarify Stefano's

I have never voted for, never mind supported, the Italian politcal
party called Alleanza  Nazionale
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Alliance_(Italy), nor is my site
(www.estropico.com) in any way connected with that party. I actually
have some serious issues with their former Agriculture minister who
was against genetically modified crops, and I'm far from keen on their
statalism, but I started dropping my *fundamental* prejudices against
them from the moment they became, and it took them decades, a **post**
fascist party, despite their historical roots. From the Alleanza
Nazionale Wikipedia entry: "When Gianfranco Fini visited Israel in
late November 2003 in the function of Italian Deputy Prime Minister,
he labeled the racial laws issued by the fascist regime in 1938 as
"infamous". He also referred to the RSI as belonging to the most
shameful pages of the past, and considered fascism part of an era of
"absolute evil". Is that why Stefano seems to hate this party so much?
Does he see them as "traitors"?

The problem I have with Stefano Vaj and his personal brand of
transhumanism is that, despite his continuos denials of never having
had anything to do with the far right, his name keeps popping up over
and over again on the websites of a certain Italian political side,
which is difficult to label and that is been called different things
by different people: Nouvelle droite? Far right? "Ethno-identitarian"?
"Antagonistic" right? Alternative right? Anti-globalisation fascist?
Pagan neo-fascist? Plain neo-fascist? Take your pick. One thing they
are not, I suspect, is **post** fascists...

Here's a Google translation of a (longish) article where I provide
some background on this strange fringe of the neo-fascist microcosm,
the emergenge, from it, of a "transhumanist" sub-fringe, its impact on
the Italian Transhumanist Association, and why www.estropico.com has
found it necessary to publish such an article to distantiate itself
from their brand of "transhumanism".



>  From: "Stefano Vaj" <stefano.vaj at gmail.com>
>  Subject: Re: [ExI] The Manifesto of Italian Transhumanists
>  To: "ExI chat list" <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>
>  Message-ID:
>         <580930c20803011303w1f749a5ah1f79e7872217ad9 at mail.gmail.com>
>  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
>  On Sat, Mar 1, 2008 at 7:48 PM, estropico <estropico at gmail.com> wrote:
>  > >  From: "Stefano Vaj" <stefano.vaj at gmail.com>
>  >  >
>  >  >  ...be the Nouvelle Droite
>  >  >  fascist or not, if I were a "representative" of the same...
>  >
>  >  You might want to update your book's website, then: "responsabile
>  >  italiano del S?cretariat Etudes et Recherches del Groupement de
>  >  Recherche et Etudes pour la Civilisation Europ?enne (GRECE)":
>  >  http://www.biopolitica.it/biop-autore.html
>  Mere sloppiness or deliberate misinformation?
>  The truncated quote of my bio thereing reads "gi? responsabile
>  del...", meaning "former head of...".  That S?cretariat in fact has
>  not even existed for more than twenty-five years now. As for the
>  quality of the work performed by the same, the number of Nobelists
>  involved at that time in the publications of GRECE is a good enough
>  testimony of what it could achieve before its deplorable conservative
>  turn, which led on the other hand to Mr. de Benoist's regular
>  invitations as a speaker by the Italian post-fascist environments
>  supported by your friends and yourself.
>  Stefano Vaj

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