[ExI] Neo-fascist transhumanists? WAS: Manifesto of Italian transhumanists

Stefano Vaj stefano.vaj at gmail.com
Mon Mar 3 16:00:48 UTC 2008

On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 10:35 AM, estropico <estropico at gmail.com> wrote:
>  In my opinion this is a PR disaster waiting to happen.

So far, the only PR annoyances we are suffering are the embarassing
implications deriving by your using the word "estropico" for neocon
propaganda and from your maniacal and almost solitary witch hunt,
which in any event has been sofar met with a remarkable lack of
interest by the media and the public, in spite of the AIT's
substantial exposure of the last couple of years and your restless

And you and Wolin will pardon me if I woud rather be associated any
day with the alleged "unreason" of Nietzsche, Heidegger, Baudrillard
or Lyotard than with Mr. Pelanda's or Mr. Wolfovitz's dubious

Stefano Vaj

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