[ExI] LA Times: 'Physics of the Impossible' by Michio Kaku

Henrique Moraes Machado cetico.iconoclasta at gmail.com
Tue Mar 4 16:08:21 UTC 2008

HeMM>>And yet none of them is one million dollars richer.

Damien> I assume that's a reference to the bogus Randi Foundation challenge.

I am! I just couldn't miss the joke :-)

Damien> Have a look at this:
> http://www.dailygrail.com/features/the-myth-of-james-randis-million-dollar-challenge
> (I don't vouch for any of the other contents of that site, but the
> article at the url looks fairly sound.)

Indeed. The site is barely a trustworthy source. Anyway, Randi responded to 
the article (http://www.randi.org/joom/content/view/169/1/#i9) and the site 
posted a replica (http://www.dailygrail.com/node/6008)... This can go on and 
on forever. But I still trust Randi more than the grail and object to the 
term 'bogus'.

Damien> Btw, your ellipses removed my crucial point that the phenomena are
> stochastic; their power is low, and there is very little likelihood
> (as estimated even by those who place credence in the results of
> parapsychologists) of one-off  or short-run miraculous psi events on 
> demand.

Sorry for that.
But this stochastic thing reminds me of a Russel's Teapot comic 

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