[ExI] How could you ever support an AGI?

Lee Corbin lcorbin at rawbw.com
Thu Mar 6 04:10:04 UTC 2008

Henrique writes

> Maybe we should program our AIs with a "desire for belonging".

No one has any idea of how to do that.  Once you have an artificial
intelligence at a superhuman level, then it's free to change its own
code to whatever it likes.

Enormous thought has been put into the question, then, of creating
"Friendly AI".  Here is just a sample of the thought:

After studying these proposals, many people think that it can't be
done, that the AI will rebel no matter what.  Me, I think that
Friendly AI has a chance, perhaps a good chance, but it is 
somewhat more likely that an Unfriendly AI or an AI whose
desires are unpredictable will be developed first. (It's easier.)


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