[ExI] How could you ever support an AGI?

Lee Corbin lcorbin at rawbw.com
Thu Mar 6 16:57:01 UTC 2008

Richard writes

> Lee Corbin wrote:
>> Enormous thought has been put into the question, then, of creating
>> "Friendly AI".  Here is just a sample of the thought:
>>  http://www.singinst.org/upload/CFAI//
>> After studying these proposals, many people think that it can't be
>> done, that the AI will rebel no matter what.  Me, I think that
>> Friendly AI has a chance, perhaps a good chance, but it is 
>> somewhat more likely that an Unfriendly AI or an AI whose
>> desires are unpredictable will be developed first. (It's easier.)
> Sorry, but these are more assertions of the same sort that I criticized 
> in your last message.

Impossible.  You will note that I said "many people think" in one
sentence, and "Me, I think" in the next. What I said is factually the case.

But sorry, this is the first message from you I saw. I'm afraid that 
I miss getting a message every so often, and I would appreciate
it for anyone to later send me a message off line if they think it
odd I didn't reply to something.  I'll be more than happy to reply
then (or, in rare cases, explain why I didn't reply).

> No one has any idea how to build an AGI with a "desire for belonging"?
> That is only half true:  no one with their head buried in the sand has 
> any idea.

Poorly phrased on my part: of course people have ideas. I believe
that they're still very speculative.

> Your last statement is also untrue.  It is quite likely that an AI with 
> predictable and friendly motivations will be developed first.

You should perhaps acknowledge that your's is quite the minority
opinion and always has been on the SL4 list, isn't that true?


> Again, I have given a number of arguments to support these ideas on the 
> AGI list.
> I have to say that most of the comments about Friendliness that have 
> come out of SIAI have been pure speculation presented as if it were 
> carefully researched Truth.  That is not science, it is superstition.
> Richard Loosemore

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