[ExI] Heroism without self-sacrifice

Bryan Bishop kanzure at gmail.com
Fri Mar 7 06:15:47 UTC 2008

On Thursday 06 March 2008, Lee Corbin wrote:
> It sounds as though you've received the full blast of the
> anti-sacrifice meme from your father and Ayn Rand.

Lee, it is interesting that you mention Ayn Rand. I was thinking this 
too when I read over Max's post, and poor Jimmy Wales and all of those 
people pledging to Objectivism. Yikes. Anyway, I think there is 
definitely something to make sure we exclude from a redefinition of 
hero from the context of Objectivism, though I cannot immediately place 
my finger on it, and I seem to remember an extropian somewhere on this 
list that might be able/willing to regurgitate this nugget-argument.

- Bryan
Bryan Bishop

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