[ExI] Heroism without self-sacrifice

Bryan Bishop kanzure at gmail.com
Fri Mar 7 12:44:29 UTC 2008

On Friday 07 March 2008, Anne Corwin wrote:
> If Max was really referring to a hero who literally risks *nothing*
> important to him or her, but still manages heroism, then my first
> thought would be a kind of Zen-type character who has no
> "attachments" and therefore does not feel that any outcome represents
> a personal loss, even if others might consider particular outcomes
> very distressing.  But I don't know if many readers would be able to
> relate to such a character.

In this context, others would look upon the Zen character and say that 
he has sacrificed so much to have no 'attachments' as you say. So if 
anybody is able to say something negative about the character, is that 
character no longer a hero? Certainly not, so I suppose we must limit 
the definition to what the hero himself interprets self-sacrifice to 

- Bryan
Bryan Bishop

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