[ExI] How could you ever support an AGI?

Damien Broderick thespike at satx.rr.com
Fri Mar 7 17:29:50 UTC 2008

On Friday 07 March 2008, Henrique Moraes Machado wrote:

 > A sect could quickly evolve around the AGI and THAT
 > is something I consider dangerous. Not the AGI itself, but those
 > possible post modern religious fanatics. The difference between these
 > new fanatics and the present day fanatics that we all know and don't
 > love is that their god really exists (I'm sure there's already some
 > distopic scifi novel that has already addressed this issue).

As it chances, I've just started reading the first sequel by D. F. 
Jones to THE FORBIN PROJECT (filmed in 1970 as the quite striking 
COLOSSUS), THE FALL OF COLOSSUS (1974), where exactly this is 
postulated. And it is, indeed, called the Sect.

Damien Broderick

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