[ExI] The Monkey Experiment, (or) "Why Do We Do That?"

Gary Miller aiguy at comcast.net
Fri Mar 7 23:56:49 UTC 2008

Jef Allbright said: 

<< Apropos certain trends in discussion.



What a fantastic experiment! Thanks Jef!

What a clear example of learned aggression.

Bullies bully because they have been trained in aggression at a young age
and repeat the behavior
without even understanding why.

I think assertiveness training needs to be a part of every child's
schooling.  It teaches the difference between being assertive and aggressive
and teaches how not to be a victim or a bully.

A few generations of this type of training and I think we could reduce abuse
and violent crime dramatically.

It would raise self-esteem in the members of our society who most need it
and most probably reduce the divorce rates significantly as well when people
understand how to communicate without being aggressive.

I'm sure that some here are going to call this indoctrination not education,
but let's face it, if our children aren't learning what they need to be
happy, healthy and well adjusted at home, we owe it to them and ourselves to
show them that they don't have to go through live constantly giving and
receiving pain.

It give me hope for the future that groups like the Boy Scouts are now
offering merit badges for learning about bullying. Scouts are encouraged to
speak out for and protect others they see being bullied.  

Since low self esteem has been found to cause other problems from eating
disorders, to promiscuity, to drug and alcohol addiction many other positive
benefits to society would accrue as well.

And no I'm not so unrealistic to think that this will solve all of the
violence, pain, abuse, crime and addiction in society.  But it's a place to

We can't just wait for the AGI to save us from ourselves.  

We need to take some first steps ourselves to show that we are worthy of

descending from soapbox now... 

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