[ExI] Next interesting events in Second Life
Giu1i0 Pri5c0
pgptag at gmail.com
Wed Mar 12 19:13:36 UTC 2008
After Natasha's and Anders' talk last week, there will be three
not-to-miss events in Second Life:
The first will take place Saturday:
Sophrosyne's Saturday Salon: Religion, Spirituality and the Avatar
>From Soph's blog: Next week's Salon kicks off a cycle of several
months of absolutely fascinating guests. On Saturday, March 15, from
1-3pm at the Central Nexus in Extropia Core, our Salon Spotlight Guest
will be Soren Ferlinghetti (Robert M Geraci). Robert M. Geraci is
Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at Manhattan College in New
York City. He studies the interactions of religion, science and
technology with particular emphasis upon robotics, artificial
intelligence and (more recently) online gaming. he has conducted
fieldwork at Carnegie Mellon University's Robotics Institute and in
Second Life through discussions and interviews. In addition to
publishing a number of essays on religion and robotics, he has just
finished a book on the subject (tentatively titled _Apocalyptic AI:
Visions of Heaven in Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Virtual
Reality_) and is planning a new book about religion and online games.
Soren and I have spoken occasionally over many months about
spirituality and identity in the digital world. We have profoundly
different perspectives, and attitudes towards technology in general,
but I've always found him curious, open-minded, warm-hearted and
fascinating. Soren's work was recently covered in New World Notes:
The Soul Of Second Life: In SL Spirituality Survey, 48% Open To Mind
Upload, 62% To New SL-Based Religions
Thanks to Hamlet Au, we not only got Soren's remarkable conclusions
(more people go to church in SL than have sex, what?!), but the raw
data supporting them. At the Salon we'll discuss Soren's research, the
interplay between spirituality and identity in the digital world, the
evolution of religion, and many more fascinating topics sparked by his
work. This one's a must-see!
The SL Spirituality Survey is very interesting. In the comment thread
there is a discussion on the feasibility and possible timeline of mind
uploading with, of course, a very wide range of opinions. My comments:
Of course when mind uploading technology is perfected (I would say,
minimum 2050 and it could be much much longer), Second Life will not
be today's Second Life and probably will not be called Second Life. At
that moment there will be fully immersive, 100% realistic interfaces
based on direct neural stimulation and a sort of instant telepathy
between different users and groups. The concept of uploading to the
metaverse is certainly interesting. Is what we are really doing in
Second Life the preparation of a future home? To all those who are
planning to upload to SL next week: unfortunately this technology is
_very_ far in the future: some experts say to years, some experts say
hundreds of years, some experts say never.
The next two events will be organized by the SL-Transhumanists group.
Dave Pearce (yes, Dave, the hidden founder of the WTA and one of the
most interesting transhumanist thinkers, will give a talk and a Q/A
session on Utopian Neuroscience on Sunday March 23. Then Lincoln
Cannon of the Mormon Transhumanist Association will give a talk on
Transfigurism (the very interesting mix of Transhumanism and Mormonism
of the MTA) and also discuss whether and how the "MTA model" could or
should be used by transhumanists of other Christian denominations.
Lincoln's talk is scheduled for Sunday March 30 (to be confirmed).
Watch translook.com for announcements.
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