[ExI] Seven deadly social sins

Anna Taylor femmechakra at yahoo.ca
Thu Mar 13 05:23:45 UTC 2008

Someone wrote "The seven social sins are": 

>1. "Bio ethical" violations such as birth control >2.
"Morally dubious" experiments such as stem cell
>3. Drug abuse 
>4. Polluting the environment 
>5. Contributing to widening divide between rich and
>6. Excessive wealth 
>7. Creating poverty 

1) The essence of birth is created by a "humane" woman
and man.  The ethical reasons of creating afterlife is
disputable.  I am really curious as to know how men
have any say what goes on with the body of a woman?

2) You can't hide DNA behaviour

3) What is considered a drug?  

4) I recognize that recycling is important.

5) This is such a stupid statement.  The rich will
feel poor, the poor will feel rich, the rich will be
rich, the poor will be poor.

6) I have so much money I have no idea what to do with
it? Think about that.

7) Why would anybody want anybody to be poor and

My 2 cents:)

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