[ExI] Probability is in the mind re free will vs.determinism

citta437 at aol.com citta437 at aol.com
Sun Mar 16 13:57:18 UTC 2008

  Probability is a thought arising from interactions of thoughts.. 
Speculations like probability are the products of brain processes 
evolving from accidents of birth/genes/evolution and quantum randomness.

Epicureans and Buddhist philosophers do not believe that brain/mind is 
static/permanent thing/object. It is a process of change as we all are 
from birth and beyond.

Ideas of free will/probability arise out of fear of the unknown. Why 
fear death when death is just a concept?

In the final analysis, we are all changing forms of energy which can 
neither be created nor destroyed.

Some thoughts live on after the physical matter changes from solid to 
quantum bits. Information, thoughts/ideas are preserved in 
books/computers and internet. Thoughts were once products of 
consciousness, brain/mind activity.


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