[ExI] Non-European PhDs In Germany Find Use Of 'Doktor' Verboten

Stephan Magnus sm at vreedom.com
Sun Mar 16 17:37:34 UTC 2008

OK, off course this is silly.

But, just as an idea that it isn’t that perfect the other way round, just my
experience with business administration:

Germany has now mostly switched to the BA/MBA-System following the
Therefore I would think that I can now use the new titles as a substitute
for my old one (the degree I got 17 years ago). I cannot. Silly Germans that
they accepted this . . .

Let me explain:
The old system in Germany was: 13 years of school, then at the university at
least two years to get an Vordiplom (Pre-Diploma) in economics, then at
least two years to get an Diploma in Business Administration. That’s what I
got. A “Dipl. Kfm”. In the same time someone from the US would have a PhD
and teaching at the university himself.

Now we have Bologna and you would think that the “old” degrees would
translate like this to the “new” ones: Vordiplom = BA and Diplom = MBA.
After that Dr./PhD
This way my degree - which is the highest university-degree except the
Doktor - would translate to the highest new degree. It doesn’t!

If I want to make a PhD I have to start again going to university and make
an MBA!!!! Because after the Bologna-Decisions no international university
in Europe accepts the old German degree!
Even better: If I would like to make a Doktor at some other university in
Europe, I can’t! Because you need an MBA for that.

I liked the idea to have one kind of system to have easy international
interchange. But are we nuts to kick ourselves out of the system?

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