[ExI] Arthur C. Clarke dies

Max More max at maxmore.com
Wed Mar 19 01:03:26 UTC 2008

At 07:24 PM 3/18/2008, you wrote:
>At 06:19 PM 3/18/2008 -0500, BB wrote:
> >I am trying to figure out why Clarke
> >didn't do cryonics.
>He told me it was in part because so many of his friends were dead,
>and he couldn't bear the idea of going on without them. He was
>tremendously upset when his dog died some years ago.
>Damien Broderick

Clarke's response is a terribly self-centered one, then. By extension 
of his own reasoning, he is giving all those who hold him dear 
additional reason to accept their own death.

The above is, of course, an unpleasantly cold way of putting it. 
Truly, I don't hold Clarke's decision against him (much). Still, it's 
worth pointing out the cold underlying reality of his thinking.

Also, based on what I've seen quoted from him in the past, I believe 
he clung to certain personal identity-based objections to cryonics.

When a real visionary like ACC passively and consciously accepts the 
permanent extinction of natural death, I can't but help find it a bit 


Max More, Ph.D.
Strategic Philosopher
max at maxmore.com 

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