[ExI] Race Biology (was Larks vs Night Owls)

kuromaku at hush.com kuromaku at hush.com
Wed Mar 19 08:32:33 UTC 2008

On Wed, 19 Mar 2008 05:05:23 +0200 The Avantguardian 
<avantguardian2020 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>--- Lee Corbin <lcorbin at rawbw.com> wrote:
>> What characteristics are you referring to?  Race and therefore
>> "racial
>> characteristics" are a scientific fallacy, as surely you 
>Racial characteristics are simply those highly visible ones that
>despite being very small subset of a person's overall genetic 
>are used to lump them together and judge them in less than 
>ways. I didn't say that race was a scientific fallacy, I said it 
>was a
>biological one. Race is almost entirely cultural so it is more the
>purview of anthropologists, ethnographers, and other social 
>rather than of biologists. To a biologist, all M&Ms are chocolate 
>the inside no matter color what color they are on the outside. 
>Genetically there is far more variability within the so-called 
>than between them. That is to say that if one were to define 
>relatedness as how similar someone is to you in terms of how they 
>"spelled" by a sequence of the As,Ts,Cs, and Gs instead of whether 
>are a member of your immediate family or not, then statistically, 
>should have relatives of another race that is more related to you
>genetically than any member of your race short of your identical 
>This is because unless your family has been inbreeding for several
>generations, the most genetic similarity you can have with a 
>parent, or sibling is about 50%. But there likely is someone out 
>in Africa that is related to you on the order 75% or more at the
>genetic level.

I'd say that's a bit stupid way of looking at the thing.Why do you 
downplay the race differences because it may be possible to find a 
black man who is genetically close to you even though the 
probability of finding a black person like that *must* be lower 
than the probability of finding a white man who is genetically very 
much like you as long as there are significant differences between 
the group averages?

I understand that's what the establishment wants you to think 
though for possibly shady reasons. Some related thoughts at my blog 
at http://psychogenesis.thinkertothinker.com/?p=122 though I 

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