[ExI] Race is arbitrary {Terry}

citta437 at aol.com citta437 at aol.com
Thu Mar 20 13:26:48 UTC 2008

Race is arbitrary, relative and temporary used  by society and 
individuals for convenience in communication, research and political 
reasons. The issue arise when it is used to be an absolute/permanent 
and universal truth. Genes mutate and humans change in the time.

Evolutionary biologists and anthropologists depend on the variety of 
races for study in their respective disciplines.
Scientific theories are not permanent truths but working hypothesis for 
the time being.

We do not see thoughts of race or abstract ideas as movements of the 
mind/brain. MRI showed brains are impacted by emotions or what is going 
in the structure of the brain during periods of stress. One who clings 
to the idea of race superiority or whatever  feels stressful when 
he/she is challenged.


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