[ExI] No one dies re: Clarke, Arthur

John Grigg possiblepaths2050 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 20 14:23:41 UTC 2008

On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 2:59 AM, Samantha Atkins <sjatkins at mac.com> wrote:

> Kevin Freels wrote:
> > I am sure that in a far distant future, perhaps thousands or even
> > hundreds of thousands of years after I am brought back from suspension,
> > we will find a way to peer back in time and recapture his information
> > state at the time of his death and "resurrect" him.
> You must be speaking very loosely as you have no way to be sure of what
> is and is not possible in this regard consistent with whatever turn out
> to be inviolate laws of physics.   Thus this is no better than any other
> resurrection mythological belief wheeled out to give some (very thin
> when you examine it) comfort to the bereaved.   Methinks we will take
> ending aging and mandatory death much more seriously when we stop coming
> up with such myths and beliefs.
> >  I'll make it a
> > personal goal of mine. He can then bring back any of those others he
> > mentioned and even his dog. :-)
> >
> >
> How generous to claim you will make a personal goal when you are an
> indefinitely long lived transhuman to do something that attracts you in
> your admittedly besotted and very unaware  pre-transhuman babyhood.   Do
> you honestly believe you are making a real commitment that you will be
> bound by for your indefinitely long lived future?
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