[ExI] No one dies re: Clarke, Arthur

citta437 at aol.com citta437 at aol.com
Fri Mar 21 00:03:25 UTC 2008

Someone wrote:
"> universalimmortalism.org
> Though I am not _sure_ of this, I really hope so.

Samantha: "And then what?  You have reached back from the far highly 
capable future
and plucked someone out of his time.   He is now in a world utterly
incomprehensible to most all of his assumptions and most of his
knowledge.  A world where all that he cared about is very ancient and
not very interesting history.   Are you sure any but the extremely rare
individual would thank you or be able to cope?  Even those individuals
would require a tremendous amount of new knowledge and tools really
quickly.  If you just implanted all that right now would the result 
than superficially be the original person?"

Hi, Samantha, this actually what happened when one is in 
delusion/mistaking thought as reality. Delusions of persecution in 
psychological terms is an escape of a narcissistic ego. The narcissist 
suffers when his/her desires are not met with satisfactory results.

Emotionally challenged individuals cling to memories/thoughts and need 
intensive psychiatric evaluation to taylor the proper treatment as 
early as possible before the brain's coping capabilities further 
decline into major depression as in post-traumatic injuries.


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