[ExI] No one dies re: Clarke, Arthur

Lee Corbin lcorbin at rawbw.com
Fri Mar 21 04:51:34 UTC 2008

Kevin writes

> I am sure that in a far distant future, perhaps thousands or even 
> hundreds of thousands of years after I am brought back from suspension, 

Well, cryonic suspension isn't of much worth after a century or two,
according to what I've heard. We better make damn sure that our
society continues to grow in wealth and technology.

> we will find a way to peer back in time and recapture his information 
> state at the time of his death and "resurrect" him. I'll make it a 
> personal goal of mine. He can then bring back any of those others he 
> mentioned and even his dog. :-)

Right on!  Considered joining the Universal Immortalists?
We believe that this is exactly the "common goal" of all
humankind, first enunciated by F. N. Federov a century ago. 

Take a look at the site,


and if, you want to help out,



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