[ExI] What Makes Us Human? {Terry}

citta437 at aol.com citta437 at aol.com
Fri Mar 21 10:22:29 UTC 2008

Anne wrote:
"Well, given some of the attitudes I've come across as of late, if 
humans did
end up meeting intelligent aliens at any point, there would be groups 
of humans
insisting that regardless of the fact that the aliens were perfectly 
happy the
way they were, they ought to be coercively modified on the basis that 
"don't know what they're missing" on account of not being human.  You 
because it's "compassionate" and all.  Blech.

Seriously, I fear for any alien species that doesn't appear to act and 
think on
average like your standard neurotypical human -- if I knew of any such 
species I
would advise them to stay the heck away from Earth if they valued their 
to self-determine at all.
  - Anne-

Hi, Anne, did you watch on science channel 272 this topic on "What 
makes us human?" Even though we shared some 98% of our DNA with our 
cousin the apes, what makes us human is our culture, language and the 
potential to brake loose the chain of genetic enslavement. It was shown 
last night on cable at 9:00 p.m. thursday and again at 8:00 a.m. today, 
Friday on the same channel 272.

The human race is till evolving somewhat gradually and the majority are 
still unaware of their potential to evolve further without the genetic 
constraint of the race. Perhaps those who have reached their potentials 
are what you call enlightened or what you call their freedom to 
self-determine their true potential.


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