[ExI] Genetic Suicide re: What makes us human.

citta437 at aol.com citta437 at aol.com
Fri Mar 21 14:41:17 UTC 2008

What makes us truly human according to the science documentary is the 
ability to contemplate our own destiny. Why do some of us can postpone 
sexual gratification by practicing celibacy or monogamy without 
breeding children to perpetuate the race?
Is it the selfish gene?
John wrote : "I don't know the official statistics of happy and loving 
marriages within
the West ( I realize roughly half of all marriages ultimately don't make
it).  But there still are many happy marriages out there and please
remember, you must first love yourself before you can love another.  
The big
transition within a marriage is when the "fantasy/idealized" image of 
partner at least partially fades in the bright light of imperfect 
and yet they can still deeply love that person, anyway.  And yes, many
couples stay together for the sake of the children, which is definitely 
always a good idea.  Kids can pick up on the fact that mom and dad are 
not happy with each other (even when the parents think this is a 

Hi, John, kids are good imitators, according to some 
sociopsychologists, due to mirror neurons. Pop culture dominates in the 
west due to mirror neurons and in the east the same tendency of the 
masses is to imitate the beliefs of the majority of their population. 
Some stay married whether they are happy or not because of 

Those who chose to stop breeding according to that science documentary 
is parallel to committing genetic suicide.


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