[ExI] Race Biology

Damien Broderick thespike at satx.rr.com
Fri Mar 21 15:13:21 UTC 2008

At 05:00 AM 3/21/2008 -0700, Lee wrote, adding his own gloss in brackets:

> > or [continuing the litany of Western thought-crime] despised Asians
> > as "lesser breeds without the law",
>and I suppose you never heard what the inhabitants of the Central
>Kingdom under Heaven thought of Westerners, and, in fact anyone
>not Chinese?  Looking down your nose at other tribes or other
>peoples was hardly invented by just the detested Europeans.

It is mischievous, Lee, to say this, *having just deleted the end of 
my sentence* which made exactly that point:

 > or were despised in their turn.

> > While that kind of (mis)use is made of characters
> > irrelevant *except* for their value as politically-opportune
> > identifiers for exclusion, exploitation, hatred or mistrust, it's
> > absurd to act as if "race" is nothing but a biological concept of
> > descent--"not in the least determined by culture."
>Oh, no, I didn't say that!  Didn't you read the rest of my post?

Yes. The words in quotes are taken directly from Rafal's post.

>Do you have any examples of someone on this list claiming that?
>Or is that just a straw man?

 >> >>### Race is not in the least determined by culture. It is a property
 >> >>related to common descent.

Damien Broderick

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