[ExI] "an aboriginal human from 70,000 B.C."

PJ Manney pjmanney at gmail.com
Sat Mar 22 03:08:32 UTC 2008

On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 5:24 PM, MB <mbb386 at main.nc.us> wrote:
> I kinda think there was more to it than that. In the USA, IIUC, missionaries were
> often sent to start schools and remove the children from their native culture and
> convert them. The children (from what I've read) were not permitted to speak their
> native tongue, nor wear their native clothing, nor learn their native
> history/arts/culture/religion.

Although Damien could explain this in better detail, the same thing
happened in Australia.  It was called the "Stolen Generations":


Government agencies removed Aboriginal children from their families to
be raised in "white" orphanages or foster homes from the 1860's until
the 1970's.  Just last month, the new Australian PM issued a formal
apology to the Stolen Generations.


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