[ExI] are we not just one race, the human race?

Anne Corwin sparkle_robot at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 22 16:08:13 UTC 2008

I don't consider autism to be a "flaw" any more than I consider, say, being female to be a "flaw".  I most certainly do NOT "limit myself" or "determine myself" in totality by it.  

In fact, I find such a suggestion extremely smarmy and ignorant.  It is not up to anyone else to decide on my behalf whether or not I am "limiting myself".  

You have to understand that when I use "labels" I am not using them in a manner as a person might who *wanted* to "define herself" totally by them.  All they are is useful short-hand for constellations of tendencies and/or traits.  I have plenty of actual flaws (as all humans do) -- I just don't consider the low-level perceptual/cognitive attributes that have been identified as "autistic" to indicate intrinsic broken-ness.  You have revealed a bias that I think many people should actually be more aware of, which is to say that you seem to assume right off that something is a "flaw" just because social norms currently identify it as such.

I would LOVE certain kinds of "modifications" and/or "upgrades".  I am all for extending the healthy lifespan, for instance, and I think it would be pretty neat to, say, be able to see more wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum.  I am all for making myself, if it were possible, resistant to cancer and other actual diseases.  I am all for allowing OTHER people who might be autistic or whatever to decide that they want to change those things.

Additionally, I am ALWAYS working to improve skills and learn new things, to become adept with new tools, to work on picking up at least small bits of other languages, etc.  If I wanted to limit myself, why would I be doing that?  Please do not tell me I am limiting myself *merely* by saying I don't think I need to be nonautistic in order to be happy and/or successful.  That is seriously one of my major pet peeves and it's also a generally destructive attitude I see coming from far too many people whom I'd think should know better.

- Anne

Anna Taylor <femmechakra at yahoo.ca> wrote: Anne, I remember commenting a while back about how
autistics have a different perspective but that does
not mean that it is the right perspective.  If you
want to limit yourself by using autistic as an excuse,
go ahead.  Everybody has flaws.  I choose not to name
my own.  The more you determine yourself based on your
flaws is the reason you will choose not to be
open-minded.  One perspective within a small group
does not compare to a large range of overall
behaviour. I've read a lot that you have posted and
find your postings highly educational although I
respect that you have a need to help others in your
particular state, it is not the majority. Sometimes
going outside the norm with an open mind can lead you
to bigger and better perspectives.

Just an opinion

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- Meg Murry, "A Wrinkle In Time"
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