[ExI] Can you place this?

spike spike66 at att.net
Sat Mar 22 21:42:18 UTC 2008

On Behalf Of hkhenson

> Subject: [ExI] Can you place this?
> "Yes, yes, my dearest, I know you believe that, and I think 
> ... remain always those of a more or less intelligent animal. . . ."
> Actually, it's not much of a challenge given the net.
> Keith

Sure can, Keith:

Figures of Earth, a Comedy.

by James Branch Cabell, page 154.

With the internet, I AM A GOD!  Without it, I am nothing.  

No, that is a laughable understatement.  Without the internet, I am nothing
but a blob of slimy goo, an invected puss-filled blister, a writhing,
revolting mass of protoplasm, a brain without a database, a slender tube
filled with excrement, a sometimes oddly entertaining but otherwise wretched
and useless collection of carbon and trace elements, a turd with a skin

But with the internet, I AM A GOD! 


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