[ExI] Desires for Immortality {Terry}

citta437 at aol.com citta437 at aol.com
Sun Mar 23 14:29:16 UTC 2008

"Desires are neither right nor wrong. They are products of genes and 
How many times have we undergone changes during a course of a lifetime? 
So those who desire for the experience of the past or the future, 
psychologically speaking, are in illusion or delusion. Illusions of 
grandeur and delusions of persecutions are disconnected to reality, the 
reality of change/impermanence.

The movements of the mind/brain can be seen in monitoring devices {MRI 
and PET scan}showing microscopic changes.
Brains that have undergone irreversible damage due to injury manifest 
behavioral change which can be seen/diagnosed as abnormal, not the norm 
for health. Now what is health? Is the condition known as autism 
healthy? It depends on your desire or the society's desire to live in 
harmony with nature. Autism is a genetic variation but its still nature 
as genes mutate, undergoes change over time.Those with illusions of 
grandeur desire permanent separation from suffering but suffering is 
merely in the eye of the beholder,a value judgement. We value 
immortality because we see change only if it is to our benefit.

We are blind to reality due to misperceptions/beliefs of duality. Are 
we thoughts without a thinker or a process without a permanent subject 
that is subject to desires of pleasurable sensations beyond reason and 
direct experience?

Reality is a direct experience of singularity as in scientific method 
of investigation involving direct observation and continuous testing 
and refining  of objective monitoring devices. Cryogenics claimed the 
possibility of reversing dead tissues to health is a possibility within 
reach if only we have the device/technology to do so. We already have 
the genes to work with so why don't we focus on genetic engineering 
which is already showing success in treating diseased states?


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