[ExI] Sexing up UFOs

citta437 at aol.com citta437 at aol.com
Sun Mar 23 18:40:34 UTC 2008

MB wrote: "Charm and humor keep, good looks will (most probably) fade.  
Good cooking keeps.
Being fun and interested and smart keeps. Honesty and integrity keeps. 

In an ideal world, where there is no poverty, crime and diseases or 
random events like accidents of birth occur, those above traits can 
possibly exist. We don't need to eat healthy foods and to exercise in 
the world of cryonics/simulated reality where everything you wished is 
already accomplished by a touch of a button, no sweat.

In the real world, we sweat, practice and practice some more to be 
honest and kind.

On another note, the news about that blind dog being helped by a seeing 
cat took practice in the part of the feline taught by a cat trainer to 
lead the blind dog. The blind dog would not see the cat but the need to 
find food urge the dog to follow the cat.
It takes training and practice to change behavior.


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