[ExI] Spacetime/thoughts exist in almost computerized simulation

citta437 at aol.com citta437 at aol.com
Sun Mar 23 21:17:37 UTC 2008

John Grigg wrote: "I have never liked the "scan the frozen & possibly 
body and then build a copy of" cryonics scenario.  I don't see that as 
but instead a perfect in every way twin.  The space/time continuity of 
has been broken.  In my Alcor paperwork I don't allow for that.  No 
way!!  :

Whether we like it or not we are thoughts occupying spacetime 
{brain/mind} in a four dimentional universe of almost computerized 
simulation. Genes and memes are equivalent to a computer programmer 
that directs how we behave. Religious believers who adhere to 
thoughts/desires of immortality are also slaves to genes and memes.

Cryogenics are driven likewise by genetic force, an aversion to 
suffering. The goal for happiness and avoid suffering is a constant 
struggle for those whose emotional and mental development gets blocked 
by traumatic experiences.

Advancing technology with successful therapeutic methods treat specific 
types of physical/mental states without waiting for the advent of 
cryonics to simulate reality.


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