[ExI] America: Home of All Evil

Kevin Freels kevinfreels at insightbb.com
Mon Mar 24 15:40:32 UTC 2008

Everyone likes to bash the US - until they want something. I'd love to 
see your specific explanation of how the US spreads dictatorship and 
economic slavery. Can you please give some specific examples?

Stathis Papaioannou wrote:
> On 23/03/2008, Dagon Gmail <dagonweb at gmail.com> wrote:
>> So when murrca is magically reduced to a wasteland of fine ashy
>> powder and all people, buildings, roads, everything in it is away to
>> oblivion, suddenly the world will be overrun by dictators?
>> Laughable, delusional. I am personally convinced of precisely the
>>  opposite. The institute of the US is an exploitative device that SPREADS
>> dictatorship, economic slavery and war as a typhoid Mary spreads
>> infection.
> I wouldn't go that far, there have been worse imperial powers. But
> it's important to ask, why do so many people around the world feel
> this way, even those in wealthy countries not adversely affected by
> decisions in Washington?
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