[ExI] Race Biology

Kevin Freels kevinfreels at insightbb.com
Mon Mar 24 15:49:59 UTC 2008

That's what I regularly put on my loan applications and such. In the US 
they have government "monitoring" to ensure equal opportunity, so at the 
end of such things as loan applications  there is a race and sex 
section. It asks if you are male or female, and then your race. Finally 
it asks if you are or are not hispanic or latino. Not sure why that 
question is seperate. One can check as many boxes as apply. I encourage 
my children to do the same thing at school where they ask such 
questions. We all respnd to such things by marking "all of the above" - 
so we're caucasian african american asian native american latinos. Of 
course that may not be entirely accurate. I can't say for certain that I 
have native american or asian heritage. It's more likely that my 
ancestors diverged prior to the seperations that caused the distinctions 
attributed to these "races". But it's also very possible that someone in 
my ancestry was asian and/or native american given the number of 
ancestors I have.

ben wrote:
> "Lee Corbin" <lcorbin at rawbw.com> declared:
>> Yes, there are racists who'd maintain that the reality is that
>> because she has "some black blood" that makes her black.
>> They're using the words in the way that we describe clean
>> water and contaminated water:  if you mix three gallons of
>> of clean water with one gallon of contaminated water, then
>> you have four gallons of contaminated water.
> This is hilarious. Or it would be if it wasn't so tragic.
> It also means that we are all black. Every one of us, without exception.
> (reminds me of Steve Martin in one of his earlier films, when he was
> still funny. The Screwup, or The Failure, something like that, where
> he's surprised to learn that he's not black. (See? Spike was right! I'm
> composing this offline, and i don't have any god-like powers of knowing
> what Steve Martin's films are called!))
> ben zaiboc
> (The Klutz?
> The Lame-o?
> The Retard?
> The Upfuck? - ok, clutching at straws now)
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